The new king of Solana memes

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CA: 5nNcGp6L3tLbdkNtxd7XKobQfZTP6ywhc5cToUozpump

Original Developer's

Rug Pull RADCAT Coins List

Safe from Scams! $RADCAT CTO Declaration

RADCAT Updated Story

RADCAT is the new kid in town who came to be the leader of the Solana ​meme. He heard about the "BOYS CLUB" consisting of Pepe, Andy,Landwolf, and Brett, and thought he looked just like them and wanted to join ​the club. He just wanted to fit in with the cool kids, wondering if they would ​accept him into their club.

RADCAT CTO Declaration

The original developer continuously attempted to run a rug pull scam with ​the new RADCAT coin, causing many victims. To prevent this, the RADCAT ​community stepped in to properly manage and protect the project.

Now, RADCAT is community-driven and looks forward to your warm ​welcome and support!

CTO stands for Chief Technology Officer. The CTO is the highest-ranking technical ​executive in a company or project, responsible for establishing and leading the ​technological strategy. In the case of RADCAT, the CTO plays a crucial role in guiding the ​technological direction and development of this community-driven token.


Total Supply






Download Phantom or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free.

Desktop u​sers, download the google chrome extension by going to

Create Your Wallet

Have SOL in your wallet to switch to $RADCAT. If you don’t have any SOL, you can buy SOL from

an​ exchange or cross chain swap and send it to your wallet.​

Get Some SOL

Connect to Raydium or Jupiter. Go or in google chrome or on the browser inside

your P​hantom app. Connect your wallet. Paste the $RADCAT token address into Raydium or Jupiter

and confirm t​he swap. When Phantom prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.


© 2024.

Please understand that this is a speculative token that has no real world financial value.Cryptocurrency may be unregulated in your jurisdiction. The value of cryptocurrencies may go down as well as up. Profits may be subject to capital gains or other taxes applicable in your jurisdiction. We are not responsible for any losses that may incur from interacting with this project. Please only purchase what you can afford to loose.